Fahmi Fayyadh Alfarizy

Tech Lead

Scrum Master



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Fahmi Fayyadh Alfarizy
Fahmi Fayyadh Alfarizy
Fahmi Fayyadh Alfarizy
Fahmi Fayyadh Alfarizy

Tech Lead

Scrum Master


Blog Post

How to Create QR Codes Using jQuery

December 7, 2023 Javascript, Programming
How to Create QR Codes Using jQuery


QR codes are a type of barcode that can be scanned by smartphones and other devices to open a website, launch an app, or perform some other action. QR codes are becoming increasingly popular, and they can be used for a variety of purposes, such as marketing, product packaging, and event tickets.

This tutorial will show you how to create QR codes using jQuery. We will use the qrious.js library to generate the QR codes.


To follow this tutorial, you will need the following:

A basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
The jQuery library.
The qrious.js library.
Creating a QR Code

To create a QR code, we can use the QRious() constructor. The QRious() constructor takes the following arguments:

element: The DOM element that will contain the QR code.
value: The value to encode in the QR code.
options: An object containing various options for the QR code.
The following code shows how to create a QR code using jQuery:


var qr=newQRious({  element: document.getElementById('qr'),  value:'Custom value',  background:'white',// background color  foreground:'black',// foreground color  backgroundAlpha:1,  foregroundAlpha:1,  level:'L',// Error correction level of the QR code (L, M, Q, H)  mime:'image/png',// MIME type used to render the image for the QR code  size:250,// Size of the QR code in pixels.  padding:null// padding in pixels });

This code will create a QR code with the value Custom value and display it in the #qr canvas element.

Using the QR Code

Once we have created a QR code, we can use it for a variety of purposes. For example, we can link the QR code to a website, launch an app, or perform some other action.

The following code shows how to link a QR code to a website:

var qr=newQRious({  element: document.getElementById('qr'),  value:'https://www.example.com',  background:'white',// background color  foreground:'black',// foreground color  backgroundAlpha:1,  foregroundAlpha:1,  level:'L',// Error correction level of the QR code (L, M, Q, H)  mime:'image/png',// MIME type used to render the image for the QR code  size:250,// Size of the QR code in pixels.  padding:null// padding in pixels });

When a user scans the QR code, they will be taken to the https://www.example.com website.


In this tutorial, we have shown you how to create QR codes using jQuery. We have also shown you how to use QR codes for a variety of purposes.

You can use the information in this tutorial to create your own QR codes and use them in your web projects.

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